#1 Platform for
Crypto Treasury Management

Companies, DAOs, and teams use Krayon to easily manage their treasury's digital assets. Add your email below to see how we can help streamline your treasury operations.

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A complete crypto treasury management solution

MPC Custody

Secure your treasury assets with institutional-grade custody using our MPC wallet solution. You can create as many wallets as you need to manage your treasury crypto assets.

Wallet Management

Keep track of all of your organization's wallets in one place. Manage user roles and permissions. Control access to individual wallets. Create custom rules for transaction types and amounts.

Crypto Payments

Issue bulk crypto payments. Store wallet addresses for contacts.

Manage your company's digital assets with Krayon's Treasury Management Platform

Frequently asked questions

What is MPC
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Multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic protocol which enables multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. In the crypto world MPC is used to shard and distribute private keys making them less vulnerable to exploit. And as a better alternative to multi-sig.

How do I know my assets are secure
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We don't hold your assets. In fact, your assets are held on chain. What we do do is provide software to secure your private keys, which are used to control those assets. Our MPC custody solution is much safer than a multi-sig wallet. And we provide our users with the same degree of security as institutional custodians.

Does your wallet work with NFTs
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Yes. Because our wallet uses MPC it's blockchain agnostic. Meaning you can use it like you would any other wallet, only more securely.

Or reach out to learn more. Contact us.
visual of krayon web application showing multiparty approvals

Check out our guide to crypto treasury management

A definitive guide to crypto treasury management in 2022 and beyond.

Crypto Treasury Management: Definitive Guide
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Or reach out to learn more. Contact us.

Why use Krayon for your crypto treasury?

MPC custody
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Wallet management
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Transaction reporting
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User roles and permissions
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Fiat to crypto
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