Smart Contract Security: 9 Best Practices

August 19, 2024

Smart contracts handle big money and data on the blockchain, but they're also prime targets for hackers. Once deployed, they can't be changed, so mistakes can be costly. Here's how to keep your smart contracts safe:

Recent attacks highlight the importance of security:

YearProjectLossCause2016The DAO$150 millionSmart contract flaw2022DODO DEX$3.8 millionContract vulnerability2023Yearn Finance$10 millionContract flaws

Even small errors can be expensive. Hegic lost $48,000 due to a typo.

Key steps for smart contract security:

This guide covers 9 ways to boost smart contract safety and protect your users' trust.

1. Conduct Thorough Code Audits

Smart contract audits are a must-do for Web3 projects. They help catch bugs and keep your users' money safe. Let's break down how to do them right.

Find the Weak Spots

Code audits look for problems in your smart contracts. They're like a safety check before you go live. Here's why they matter:

To avoid these issues:

Lock Down Access

Good docs make audits easier. Before your audit:

Write Clean Code

Clean code = fewer mistakes. Here's how:

Keep Watching

One audit isn't enough. Keep checking your code:

Audit StepWhy It MattersClear goalsFocuses the auditExperienced auditorFinds more issuesCheck all codeLeaves no stone unturnedGood documentationHelps auditors understand fasterClean codeMakes auditing easierOngoing testsCatches new problems

Stop changing your code before an audit. This gives auditors a stable version to check.

Use tools like Slither to get easy-to-read summaries of your contracts. And consider using tested libraries like OpenZeppelin to boost security.

2. Implement Proper Access Controls

Smart contracts need strong access controls to keep bad actors out. Let's look at how to do this right.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC is a powerful way to manage who can do what in your smart contract. It's like giving out different keys to different people.

Here's how it works:

OpenZeppelin's AccessControl makes this easy. Here's a quick example:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";

contract MyToken is ERC20, AccessControl {
   bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");

   constructor() ERC20("MyToken", "MTK") {
       _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
       _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender);

   function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {
       require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender), "Must have minter role to mint");
       _mint(to, amount);

In this code, only addresses with the MINTER_ROLE can create new tokens.

Least Privilege Principle

Give each role only the permissions it needs. No more, no less. This limits the damage if someone's account gets hacked.

For example, you could have separate roles for minting and burning tokens:

bytes32 public constant BURNER_ROLE = keccak256("BURNER_ROLE");

function burn(address from, uint256 amount) public {
   require(hasRole(BURNER_ROLE, msg.sender), "Must have burner role to burn");
   _burn(from, amount);

Keep Your Access Controls Up-to-Date

Access control isn't set-and-forget. You need to update it as your project grows. Use functions to add or remove permissions:

function grantMinterRole(address account) public {
   grantRole(MINTER_ROLE, account);

function revokeMinterRole(address account) public {
   revokeRole(MINTER_ROLE, account);

Real-World Examples

Access Control Methods Compared

MethodProsConsRole-Based (RBAC)Fine-grained control, FlexibleMore complex to set upOwnable PatternSimple, Easy to useOne person has all the powerMultisignatureSpreads out control, SaferMore gas costs, More complex

Tips for Better Access Control

3. Use Secure Coding Patterns

Know Your Vulnerabilities

Smart contract developers need to stay on top of common security issues. Here are some key vulnerabilities to watch out for:

Keep learning about these and new threats as they pop up.

Stick to Safe Coding Practices

Use these coding patterns to boost your smart contract security:

Here's a quick example of SafeMath in action:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";

contract SecureContract {
   using SafeMath for uint256;

   function safeAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns (uint256) {
       return a.add(b);

Be Careful with External Calls

Always assume external calls might fail. Use the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern and think about using a withdrawal pattern for payments.

Here's an example of a safe withdrawal function:

function withdraw() public {
   uint amount = balances[msg.sender];
   balances[msg.sender] = 0;
   (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
   require(success, "Transfer failed.");

This approach helps prevent reentrancy and makes sure state changes happen before external interactions.

Real-World Examples

ProjectVulnerabilityImpactLesson LearnedThe DAO (2016)Reentrancy$60 million lostAlways use the Checks-Effects-Interactions patternParity Multisig Wallet (2017)Unprotected function$30 million frozenImplement proper access controlsPoly Network (2021)Poor access control$610 million stolen (later returned)Regularly audit your code and use secure libraries

These cases show why using secure coding patterns is so important. They're not just best practices – they're essential for protecting user funds and maintaining trust in your project.

Key Takeaways

4. Handle External Calls Safely

External calls in smart contracts can be risky. They're like sending a message to another contract, but you can't always trust what happens next. Let's look at how to make these calls safer.

Why External Calls Are Tricky

When your contract talks to another one, it's like handing over control for a moment. This can lead to problems:

Real-World Oops: The DAO Hack

In 2016, a project called The DAO lost $60 million because of a reentrancy attack. Ouch! This shows why we need to be extra careful with external calls.

How to Make External Calls Safer

Here's a good way to handle a withdrawal:

function withdraw() public {
   uint amount = shares[msg.sender];
   shares[msg.sender] = 0;
   (bool success,) ={value: amount}("");
   require(success, "Transfer failed.");

This code updates the user's balance before sending money. If the send fails, it won't let the user try again with the same balance.

Watch Out for These

IssueWhy It's BadHow to Fix ItReentrancyAttacker can drain fundsUse mutex locks or update state firstUnchecked return valuesMight ignore failed callsAlways check if calls succeedUnexpected state changesOther contract might changeAssume external state can change

Tips for Safer Calls

A Word from the Experts

Solidity docs say: "Any interaction from a contract (A) with another contract (B) and any transfer of Ether hands over control to that contract (B)."

This means you need to be ready for anything when you make an external call.

Remember: in smart contracts, it's better to be safe than sorry. Double-check everything, especially when dealing with other contracts or sending money.


5. Manage Gas Efficiently

Gas costs can make or break a smart contract. Let's look at how to keep them low without sacrificing security.

Optimize Your Code

Small changes can save big on gas. Here are some tricks:

function cheapIncrement(uint256 i) public pure returns (uint256) {
   unchecked { return i + 1; }

Store Less, Save More

On-chain storage eats gas. Try these tips:

Real-World Gas Savings

Let's look at some actual examples:

ProjectActionGas SavedHow They Did ItUniswap V3Code optimization30%Rewrote core contracts in assemblyOpenZeppelinLibrary update15-30%Improved ERC20 implementationSynthetixStorage restructure50%Changed how they store user data

Uniswap's lead developer, Hayden Adams, said: "Every byte counts when you're processing millions of transactions."

Watch Out for Gas Traps

Some patterns can spike your gas costs:

Always test your contract's gas usage with real-world data before deploying.

Tools to Track Gas

Use these to keep an eye on your gas usage:

These tools can help you spot gas hogs in your code before they hit mainnet.

6. Implement Effective Error Handling

Smart contracts need good error handling to stay safe and work well. Solidity, the language for writing smart contracts, gives us tools to deal with errors that pop up when the contract runs.

Key Error Handling Tools

Solidity has three main ways to handle errors:

Let's see how these work:

function sendMoney(address to, uint amount) public {
   require(amount > 0, "Can't send zero or less");
   require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount, "Not enough money");

   balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
   balances[to] += amount;

   assert(balances[msg.sender] + balances[to] == oldTotal);

   if(!to.send(amount)) {
       revert("Couldn't send the money");

This function:

Real-World Examples

ProjectWhat HappenedLesson LearnedThe DAO (2016)Lost $60 million due to a code flawAlways check before changing dataParity Wallet (2017)$30 million stuck due to a bugTest all possible ways things can go wrongPoly Network (2021)$610 million stolen (later returned)Check who's allowed to do what in your contract

These big mistakes show why good error handling matters. It's not just nice to have – it's a must for keeping money safe.

Tips for Better Error Handling

Remember: In smart contracts, it's better to stop things before they go wrong than to try to fix them later. Good error handling is your first line of defense against costly mistakes.

7. Use Formal Verification Techniques

Formal verification is a powerful way to boost smart contract security. It's like a super-charged testing method that can prove your contract works as it should.

What is Formal Verification?

Formal verification uses math to check if a smart contract does what it's supposed to. It's different from regular testing because it can cover more ground in less time.

Here's what formal verification can do:

Real-World Impact

In 2016, The DAO lost $60 million due to a bug that formal verification might have caught. This shows why checking contracts thoroughly is so important.

How to Use Formal Verification

Here are some tools you can use:

ToolWhat It DoesActChecks if your contract updates data correctlyScribbleTurns your rules into code the computer can checkCertora ProverAutomatically checks if your contract follows the rules

Tips for Better Verification

8. Implement Upgrade Mechanisms Carefully

Smart contracts often need updates to fix bugs, add features, or improve performance. But upgrading them isn't simple. Let's look at how to do it safely.

Upgrade Strategies

There are two main ways to upgrade smart contracts:

Real-World Examples

Big DeFi projects use upgradeable contracts:

ProjectUpgrade StrategyOutcomeCompoundUSCAdded new features over timeAaveUSCImproved platform securityUniswap V3USCEnhanced trading efficiency

These projects show that upgrades can work well when done right.

Safety Measures

Upgrades can be risky. Here's how to make them safer:

Risks to Watch Out For

RiskDescriptionHow to MitigateCentralizationFew people control upgradesUse decentralized governanceBad upgradesChanges that harm usersAdd time-locks for community reviewTechnical issuesBugs in the upgrade processUse formal verification

Tips for Users

A Word from the Experts

OpenZeppelin, a leading smart contract security firm, says:

"Upgradeable contracts are powerful but introduce new risks. Always use proven patterns and thorough testing."

Remember: upgrades can fix problems, but they need careful planning to avoid creating new ones.

9. Conduct Regular Security Assessments

Regular security checks are key to keeping smart contracts safe. Here's how to do them right:

Find Weak Spots

Use these tools to spot problems:

In 2021, Polygon used these methods and found a critical bug. They fixed it fast, saving $24 billion in MATIC tokens.

Keep Watch

Set up systems to catch issues early:

Chainlink does this well. They caught and fixed a bug in their LINK token contract in 2020 before anyone could exploit it.

Check Who Can Do What

Review access controls often:

What to DoHow OftenWho Does ItCheck user rolesEvery monthSecurity teamReview admin accessEvery 3 monthsCompliance teamUpdate access rulesEvery 6 monthsDevOps team

OpenZeppelin, a top smart contract security firm, says: "Regular access reviews stopped 60% of potential exploits in our client projects last year."

Learn from Others

Study past hacks to avoid repeats:

These cases show why constant checks matter.

Tips for Better Assessments

Remember: In smart contracts, it's cheaper to prevent problems than to fix them later.


Smart contract security isn't a one-time task. It's an ongoing process that needs constant attention. By following the nine best practices we've covered, you can greatly reduce the risk of bugs and hacks in your smart contracts.

Here's a quick recap of what we've learned:

Best PracticeKey TakeawayCode AuditsRegular checks catch issues earlyAccess ControlsLimit who can do what in your contractSecure CodingUse tried-and-true patterns to avoid common pitfallsExternal CallsBe extra careful when interacting with other contractsGas ManagementOptimize your code to keep costs downError HandlingPlan for things to go wrongFormal VerificationUse math to prove your contract worksUpgrade MechanismsPlan for changes, but do it safelySecurity AssessmentsKeep checking for new threats

The blockchain world is always changing, and so are the risks. You need to stay on your toes to keep your contracts safe.

Some real-world examples show why this matters:

These cases prove that even small mistakes can lead to huge losses.

Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum's co-founder, once said: "Security is not a binary property. It's a spectrum." This means you can always do more to make your contracts safer.

As you build on the blockchain, keep security at the top of your mind. It's not just about protecting assets. It's about building trust in the whole ecosystem.



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