Merchant Onboarding API Guide 2024

September 7, 2024

Integrate crypto payments into your business with this comprehensive guide to merchant onboarding APIs.

Key points:

  • Merchant onboarding APIs bridge businesses and blockchain for crypto payments
  • 562 million people globally own cryptocurrencies as of May 2024
  • APIs offer lower fees, faster transactions, and enhanced security

What you'll learn:

  1. API basics and benefits
  2. Technical requirements
  3. Security measures
  4. Core API functions
  5. Testing and optimization
  6. Documentation best practices

Quick Comparison:

Feature REST API GraphQL API
Endpoints Multiple Single
Data fetching Fixed structure Client-specified
Flexibility Less flexible Highly flexible
Error handling Custom Built-in

This guide covers everything from setup to optimization, helping you navigate crypto payments confidently.

What are Merchant Onboarding APIs?

Merchant onboarding APIs are tools that help businesses accept and process cryptocurrency payments. They act as a bridge between your company's platform and the blockchain, making it easy to handle digital currency transactions.

Main Parts

A typical merchant onboarding API includes:

  1. Payment processing: Handles the actual transfer of cryptocurrencies.
  2. Wallet management: Creates and manages digital wallets for storing crypto.
  3. Currency conversion: Converts between different cryptocurrencies and fiat money.
  4. Security features: Protects transactions and user data.
  5. Reporting tools: Tracks payments and generates financial reports.

How They Help Crypto Payments

These APIs make crypto payments work smoothly by:

  • Creating unique payment addresses for each transaction
  • Checking the status of payments in real-time
  • Using strong encryption to keep payments safe
  • Supporting many types of cryptocurrencies

For example,'s API supports 40 top digital currencies, including stablecoins like USDT and USDC. This wide range of options helps businesses cater to different customer preferences.

Benefits for Businesses and Customers

Benefits for Businesses Benefits for Customers
Lower transaction fees Faster payments
Quicker settlements More payment options
Access to global markets Better privacy
Reduced fraud risk Lower fees

Businesses using these APIs can tap into a growing market. As of May 2024, 562 million people worldwide own cryptocurrencies, showing there's a big audience for crypto payments.

"The global market for cryptocurrencies is estimated to be worth over $1 trillion, highlighting the importance of integrating crypto payment solutions." - Cryptocurrency Market Analysis Report, 2024

By using merchant onboarding APIs, companies can:

  1. Cut costs: Crypto transactions often have lower fees than traditional banking.
  2. Speed up payments: Especially useful for international transfers.
  3. Attract new customers: Tech-savvy users and crypto enthusiasts.
  4. Improve security: Blockchain technology helps reduce fraud.

For customers, these APIs mean they can use their preferred digital currencies to shop online or in stores. It's fast, often cheaper, and gives them more control over their money.

What You Need Before Starting

Before diving into the world of merchant onboarding APIs for crypto payments, you'll need to prepare a few key elements. Let's break down the essentials:

Tech Requirements

To set up a merchant onboarding API, you'll need:

  • A secure server to host your API
  • SSL certificates for encrypted connections
  • A development environment compatible with your chosen API (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby)
  • A decentralized wallet to handle crypto transactions
  • Integration with a reliable crypto payment gateway

Paperwork and Access Keys

Getting your paperwork in order is crucial. Here's what you'll need:

  • API credentials (usually an API key and secret)
  • KYC (Know Your Customer) documentation
  • Business registration documents
  • Compliance certificates relevant to your jurisdiction

"Switching to Persona really increased our conversion rate and allowed folks to fly through the pipeline in a more efficient manner." - Chief Compliance Officer, Major Crypto Management Platform

Following the Rules

Compliance is key in the crypto world. Make sure you:

1. Understand KYC requirements: KYC is not just a box to tick—it's a legal necessity. Between January 2021 and March 2022, $1.1 billion was lost due to crypto fraud via social media, highlighting the importance of proper verification.

2. Implement AML checks: Anti-Money Laundering procedures are crucial for preventing financial crimes.

3. Stay updated on regulations: Crypto laws change rapidly. Keep an eye on updates in your operating jurisdictions.

4. Secure your API keys: Treat your API keys like passwords. Store them securely and limit access to only those who absolutely need it.

KYC Process Steps Purpose
Collect basic info Identify the customer
Verify documents Confirm customer identity
Assess risk profile Determine customer risk level
Ongoing monitoring Detect suspicious activities

How the API is Built

The design of a merchant onboarding API is crucial for its effectiveness and security. Let's explore the key aspects of API architecture for crypto payment systems.

RESTful vs. GraphQL

When building a merchant onboarding API, developers often choose between REST and GraphQL. Here's how they compare:

Feature REST GraphQL
Endpoint structure Multiple endpoints Single endpoint
Data fetching Fixed data structures Client-specified data
Performance Multiple requests for complex queries Efficient for complex queries
Flexibility Less flexible Highly flexible
Error handling Custom error handling Built-in error handling

For merchant onboarding, REST APIs are often preferred due to their simplicity and wide adoption. However, GraphQL's flexibility can be useful for complex data requirements.

Ways to Keep it Secure

API security is critical, especially when handling sensitive merchant data. Here are key security measures:

  • Use HTTPS for all API communications
  • Implement strong authentication (OAuth 2.0 or JWT)
  • Apply rate limiting to prevent abuse
  • Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing

"API security is really a big data problem. For a comprehensive API security approach, you must have awareness of data and identities and intimately understand the business logic of an application end-to-end." - Tyler Reynolds, Channel & GTM Director at

How Data is Organized

Efficient data organization is key to API performance. Consider these aspects:

  • Use clear, consistent naming conventions for endpoints and data fields
  • Implement versioning to manage API changes without breaking existing integrations
  • Structure data hierarchically to reflect relationships between different entities

For example, the Pockyt Payments Merchant Onboarding API uses two main endpoints:

1. Submit Endpoint: /api/merchant-onboarding/submit 2. Query Endpoint: /api/merchant-onboarding/query

This structure allows for a clear separation between submitting new merchant applications and querying their status.

Main API Functions

The core of a merchant onboarding API lies in its key functions. Let's explore the main endpoints and their roles in streamlining the onboarding process for cryptocurrency payment systems.

Managing Accounts

Account management is a critical function of merchant onboarding APIs. This typically includes:

  • Creating new merchant accounts
  • Updating existing account information
  • Retrieving account details

For example, NOWPayments API requires merchants to sign up at and generate an API key before using the service. This key is then used to authenticate all API requests, ensuring secure account management.

Sending Documents

Document submission is a key part of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. API endpoints for this function allow:

  • Uploading identification documents
  • Submitting business verification papers
  • Checking document status

The Pockyt Payments Merchant Onboarding API uses the /api/merchant-onboarding/submit endpoint for this purpose. Partners can submit detailed merchant information, including necessary documents, for processing and approval.

Setting Up Payments

Payment setup is where the rubber meets the road for merchant onboarding. This function typically includes:

OxaPay's API offers a good example with its invoice creation endpoint:

POST /invoice/create

This endpoint allows merchants to generate invoices with specific transaction details, initiating the payment process.

Getting Updates

Status updates are crucial for both merchants and partners. API functions in this category include:

  • Checking application status
  • Receiving real-time notifications
  • Retrieving transaction history

The Pockyt Payments API demonstrates this with its Query Endpoint:


This endpoint allows partners to check the current status of a merchant's application, providing real-time updates on processing stages.

Keeping the API Safe

Safety is key when dealing with merchant onboarding APIs for cryptocurrency payment systems. Let's look at some ways to keep these APIs secure.

Data Protection

Protecting data during transfer is crucial. Here's how to do it:

  • Use HTTPS for all API calls
  • Encrypt sensitive data before sending
  • Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse

For example, iCG APIs use OAuth 2.0 ROPC grant type to secure their endpoints. This requires user authorization before any API call can be made.

Using Tokens

Tokens help protect sensitive information. Here's a breakdown of the token process:

Step Description
1. Request Exchange user credentials for an access token
2. Use Include the token in API requests for authorization
3. Refresh Get a new token when the old one expires

iCG's system provides an access token that expires after a set time. It's smart to cache this token and request a new one as needed.

Extra Login Steps

Adding more checks improves security. Some methods include:

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • IP address verification
  • Device fingerprinting

These steps make it harder for bad actors to access the system, even if they get hold of login details.

Stopping Fraud

Preventing misuse is a big part of API safety. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Check for unusual patterns in transactions
  • Use machine learning to spot odd behavior
  • Set up alerts for high-risk activities

In 2023, crypto users lost nearly $2 billion to scams and hacks. This shows why strong fraud prevention is so important.

"Implement effective KYC safeguards to prevent fraudulent account creations", advises Onfido, a company that has worked with crypto providers like Zipmex and CoinDCX.


Setting Up the API

Setting up a merchant onboarding API for cryptocurrency payments involves several key steps. Let's break down the process and highlight important considerations.

Setup Steps

1. Choose a Payment Provider

Select a crypto payment gateway that fits your needs. Consider factors like:

  • Supported cryptocurrencies
  • Transaction fees
  • Security features
  • Integration options

2. Create an Account and Wallet

Sign up with your chosen provider and set up a digital wallet to store your crypto assets.

3. Generate API Credentials

Obtain the necessary API keys:

Credential Purpose How to Get
API Key Authenticates API requests Generate in dashboard
IPN Secret Key Verifies payment notifications Found in store settings

4. Configure Payment Settings

Customize your payment options in the provider's dashboard:

  • Select accepted cryptocurrencies
  • Set exchange rates
  • Define transaction limits

5. Integrate the API

Install the payment plugin or implement the API directly into your website or application.

Helpful Tips

  • Test thoroughly: Use sandbox environments to simulate transactions before going live.
  • Implement error handling: Prepare for potential issues like network failures or invalid inputs.
  • Keep documentation handy: Refer to the API documentation for troubleshooting and best practices.

Watch Out For

  • Security risks: Implement strong authentication and encryption measures to protect sensitive data.
  • Regulatory compliance: Stay informed about cryptocurrency regulations in your operating regions.
  • User experience: Ensure the payment process is smooth and user-friendly for your customers.

"The integration may require technical support from the PSP or payment gateway, as well as testing to ensure everything works as expected."

Testing the API

Testing your merchant onboarding API is a key step to ensure it works as expected before going live. Let's look at how to set up test environments, try different scenarios, and fix issues.

Using Test Accounts

To start testing, you'll need to set up a sandbox environment. This allows you to simulate real transactions without using actual funds.

For example, NOWPayments offers a sandbox where you can:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Generate an API key
  3. Specify your outcome wallet

Similarly, MoonPay's sandbox lets you use a test publishable API key. Remember to use amounts less than $200 to avoid transaction failures due to limited testnet coins.

Trying Different Scenarios

Once your test environment is set up, it's time to put your API through its paces. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  1. Functional Testing: Check if your API responds correctly to various inputs.

  2. Performance Testing: See how your API handles high traffic.

  3. Security Testing: Look for potential vulnerabilities.

  4. Error Handling: Make sure your API returns helpful error messages.

For instance, with NOWPayments, you can specify a 'case' parameter in your create payment request to test different payment processing flows.

Fixing Problems

As you test, you're likely to encounter issues. Here's how to address them:

  1. Use Detailed Logs: Keep track of all API calls and responses for easier debugging.

  2. Check Common Issues: For example, an empty testnet wallet can cause a "Transaction processing failed" error in MoonPay's sandbox.

  3. Leverage Provider Resources: Many API providers offer troubleshooting guides. For instance, Triple-A suggests using faucet sites to send testnet Bitcoin (testBTC) for testing payments.

Writing Good API Instructions

Creating clear and useful API documentation is crucial for the success of your merchant onboarding API. Good instructions help developers understand and use your API effectively, leading to higher adoption rates and fewer support issues.

Easy-to-Read Guides

To make your API instructions easy to read:

  • Use simple language, avoiding technical jargon where possible
  • Break down complex concepts into bite-sized explanations
  • Organize content with clear headings and subheadings
  • Use ample whitespace to improve readability

For example, Stripe's API reference is known for its clarity. It describes each operation in user-friendly terms and provides example requests and responses.

Hands-On Tools

Interactive elements can significantly enhance the learning experience:

  • Include a "Try-it" function for testing API endpoints
  • Provide personal tokens to simplify authentication processes
  • Offer example applications with complete integration code

Document360, for instance, offers a feature that lets users test API endpoints directly from the documentation portal.

Code Examples and Tools

Practical code samples and developer tools are essential:

Element Purpose Example
Code snippets Show how to use the API in different languages Mailchimp provides code examples in several programming languages
SDKs Simplify API integration Offer SDKs for popular languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java
Postman collections Allow easy API testing Create a Postman collection for your API endpoints

Remember to keep your documentation up-to-date. Schedule regular reviews and updates to ensure accuracy as your API evolves.

"API documentation is a critical bridge between creators and users, ensuring seamless integration and optimization."

Making the API Work Better

To boost your merchant onboarding API's performance, focus on three key areas: traffic control, data caching, and workload distribution.

Controlling Traffic

Managing API requests is crucial for maintaining smooth operations. Here's how:

  • Rate limiting: Set caps on the number of requests a user can make within a specific timeframe. This prevents API abuse and keeps the system stable.

  • Load balancing: Distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers. This approach helped a major e-commerce platform handle over 10 million transactions per hour during a global sales event.

Saving Information

Caching frequently accessed data can dramatically speed up response times:

  • In-memory caching: Store common data in RAM for quick access. For example, a popular e-commerce site uses this technique to provide real-time pricing during checkout.

  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Cache static content closer to users geographically. This reduces latency and offloads your main servers.

Spreading the Work

Distributing tasks across your system keeps the API running efficiently:

  • Microservices: Break down your API into smaller, independent services. This allows you to scale specific components as needed.

  • Asynchronous processing: Queue non-urgent tasks for later processing. A ride-sharing app uses this method to handle payment authorizations during peak times, ensuring a smooth user experience.

"You have to make sure you're architecting systems that can scale almost limitlessly." - EG Galano, Co-Founder and Chief Infrastructure Engineer, Infura

To put these strategies into action:

1. Implement caching

Create a .proxy-cache-control.json file to set up caching for specific API paths. Use the "cache-control" header to instruct browsers and proxy layers like Cloudflare to cache responses.

2. Introduce read-only APIs

Develop separate read-only endpoints that can scale independently. This approach improved response times for the Stacks API's /v2 endpoint.

3. Monitor and optimize

Regularly test your API's performance under various load conditions. The Stacks API achieved 99.97% availability over 30 days, handling 400 million monthly requests with a 50-millisecond response time for common endpoints.


As we conclude our guide on merchant onboarding APIs for cryptocurrency payment systems in 2024, let's highlight the key takeaways:

  • Growing Adoption: The crypto payment landscape is expanding rapidly. With 562 million cryptocurrency owners globally as of May 2024, businesses are increasingly integrating crypto payment options to meet customer demand.

  • Market Potential: The global cryptocurrency market cap exceeds $1 trillion, with Bitcoin and Ethereum leading at $1.38 trillion and $449 billion, respectively. This presents a huge opportunity for businesses to tap into a new customer base.

  • Customer Preferences: 65% of consumers want to pay with digital currencies, and 55% prefer stores that accept crypto. This shift in consumer behavior is driving the need for efficient merchant onboarding APIs.

  • Business Benefits: Accepting crypto payments can lead to:

    • Lower transaction fees
    • Faster processing times
    • Enhanced security
    • Global reach without geographical limitations
  • Implementation Costs: Developing a basic crypto payment gateway ranges from $15,000 to $25,000, while advanced functionalities can cost between $35,000 and $55,000.

  • Onboarding Process: A robust onboarding process is crucial for preventing fraud and ensuring compliance. It typically involves seven steps, from prescreening to credit risk analysis.

  • API Integration: When integrating merchant onboarding APIs:

    • Clearly define your requirements
    • Choose APIs based on documentation quality, ease of use, and support
    • Implement proper security measures, including tokenization and encryption
    • Test thoroughly before going live
  • Regulatory Compliance: Stay informed about KYC (Know Your Customer), AML (Anti-Money Laundering), and KYCC (Know Your Customer's Customer) requirements to ensure legal compliance.

Extra Information

Word List

Here's a quick reference for key terms used in this guide:

Term Definition
API Application Programming Interface, allowing software to interact with other systems
KYC Know Your Customer, a process to verify customer identity
AML Anti-Money Laundering, measures to prevent illegal financial activities
KYCC Know Your Customer's Customer, extended due diligence for business clients
OAuth 2.0 An authorization framework for secure API access
JWT JSON Web Token, used for secure information transmission
3D Secure Security protocol for online card transactions

More to Read

For further information on merchant onboarding APIs and cryptocurrency payments:

  • API Security: The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) offers an "API Security Top 10" list, helping identify and fix common API risks.

  • Cryptocurrency Market Data: CoinMarketCap API provides real-time data on over 8,000 cryptocurrencies, including prices and market caps.

  • Blockchain APIs: Bitquery offers tools for analytics and smart contract monitoring across multiple blockchains.

  • Regulatory Compliance: The European Commission's Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulations outline proposed rules for the EU cryptocurrency industry.

  • Payment Processing: BitPay charges a 1% settlement fee for crypto-to-fiat conversion, lower than typical credit card fees of up to 3%.

"The global cryptocurrency market size was valued at USD 1.49 billion in 2023 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% from 2024 to 2030." - Industry Report

This growth highlights the need for strong merchant onboarding processes in the crypto payment space.

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