Buyback & Burn Mechanisms in Crypto: Pros, Cons, Impact

August 24, 2024

Crypto projects use buyback and burn to manage token supply and potentially boost value. Here's the deal:

  • Projects buy their own tokens and permanently remove them from circulation
  • They buy tokens from the market, then send them to an inaccessible wallet address
  • Goals: Cut supply, increase scarcity, stabilize prices
  • Examples: Binance (BNB), Huobi (HT), KuCoin (KCS)

Quick comparison:

Aspect Pros Cons
Token Value May rise due to scarcity No guarantee of long-term growth
Supply Controls inflation Could cut liquidity
Market Impact Can stabilize prices Risk of manipulation
Investor Confidence Shows commitment May raise regulatory flags

While buyback and burn impacts supply, it doesn't guarantee price changes. Market conditions and project performance still matter most for token value.

How buyback and burn works

It's a two-step process:

  1. Buyback: The project buys its tokens from the open market
  2. Burn: Those tokens get permanently removed from circulation

Buyback process

  1. Project announces plans to buy X amount of tokens
  2. Buyback happens over a set time, often using limit orders
  3. Purchased tokens go to the project's wallet

Binance, for example, uses 20% of profits for quarterly BNB buybacks. Their 17th buyback in October 2021 removed 1,335,888 BNB.

Token burning steps

  1. Tokens move to a special "burn" address
  2. Transaction gets recorded on the blockchain
  3. Tokens become inaccessible, cutting total supply

TRON showed this in 2018 by burning 1 billion TRX tokens, slashing supply by about 50%.

Combined impact

Step Action Potential Effect
1. Buyback Cut available supply Short-term price bump
2. Burn Permanently decrease total supply Long-term scarcity
3. Repeat Regular cycles Sustained price support

Binance's approach mixes both strategies well. They use smart contracts to ensure bought-back BNB can't re-enter circulation, supporting long-term value.

"The Binance buyback and burn program uses 20% of its revenues to burn and buy back BNB tokens every quarter, reducing the BNB token supply."

This consistent approach has helped BNB's price grow over time, showing how well-executed buyback and burn strategies can work.

Crypto platforms using buyback and burn

Several major crypto platforms use these strategies. Let's look at some real examples:

Binance (BNB)


  • Quarterly burns: 20% of profits to buy back and burn BNB
  • Auto-burn system: Adjusts burn amounts based on BNB price and block production
  • BEP-95: Burns about 860 BNB daily from gas fees


  • 17th BNB Burn (Oct 2021): 1,335,888 tokens removed
  • 25th Quarterly Burn (Q3 2023): 2,139,182.98 BNB burned (~$501,617,017)
  • Total burned to date: 50,302,027.74 BNB (~$11,795,484.75)

Huobi Token (HT)


  • Uses 20% of net profits to buy back and burn HT tokens
  • Aims to cut total supply and boost remaining token value

KuCoin Shares (KCS)


  • Uses 50% of net profits for KCS buybacks and burns
  • Focuses on reducing supply to enhance token value

Yearn Finance (YFI)

Yearn Finance

Recent buyback program results:

  • Bought $7,526,343 worth of YFI (284.4 tokens, 0.77% of supply)
  • Average purchase price: $26,651
  • Impact: YFI price jumped 19% in 24 hours (from $20,839 to $25,850)



First buyback program:

  • Bought back 228,703,423 MVL tokens
  • Total value: $1 million
  • Duration: Dec 12, 2023 to Jan 31, 2024

CEO Kay Woo: "We plan to keep growing the MVL ecosystem with second and third buyback programs, fueled by our mobility business success."

These examples show how crypto platforms use buyback and burn to manage supply, potentially boost value, and show confidence in their projects.

Benefits of buyback and burn

Key advantages include:

Possible token value increase

By cutting supply, buyback and burn can potentially boost remaining token value:

  • Fewer tokens → increased scarcity
  • Increased scarcity → potentially higher demand
  • Higher demand + lower supply → possible price increase

Binance's regular BNB burns have helped its value grow. Their Q3 2023 burn removed 2,139,182.98 BNB worth about $501,617,017.

Making tokens scarce

Token burning directly impacts scarcity:

  • Removes tokens permanently
  • Decreases total supply over time
  • Can make remaining tokens more valuable

Ethereum's EIP-1559 in 2021 burned about 1.3 million ETH in a year, creating a deflationary effect.

Showing project confidence

Buyback and burn can signal confidence to investors:

  • Shows commitment to token value
  • Uses resources for token management
  • Aligns project interests with token holders

Terra (LUNA) burned 88.7 million tokens in November 2021, showing commitment to supply control.

Managing inflation

Buyback and burn helps control token inflation:

  • Offsets new token issuance
  • Helps maintain stable or decreasing supply
  • Can prevent token value dilution

Benefits comparison

Benefit Impact Example
Value increase Potential price growth Binance's BNB value growth
Scarcity Fewer tokens, increased demand Ethereum's 1.3 million ETH burned
Project confidence Signals commitment Terra's 88.7 million LUNA burn
Inflation management Stable or decreasing supply Regular burns offsetting new tokens

Drawbacks of buyback and burn

While beneficial, buyback and burn strategies have potential downsides:

Risk of market manipulation

  • Large buybacks may cause short-term price spikes
  • Some projects create false scarcity
  • "Whales" might exploit price increases

Some platforms have promised burns but sent tokens to accessible wallets, misleading their community.

Possible reduced liquidity

  • Fewer tokens can lead to lower trading volume
  • Lower liquidity may increase price volatility
  • Smaller investors might struggle to enter or exit positions

Regulatory issues

  • Some jurisdictions may view burns as price manipulation
  • Unclear regulations create uncertainty
  • Potential for future regulatory crackdowns

Long-term value questions

  • Burns don't create new ecosystem value
  • Excessive burning can hinder growth, especially for governance tokens
  • Price increases may be short-lived without fundamental project growth

Drawbacks comparison

Drawback Impact Consideration
Market manipulation Artificial price influence Risk of community distrust
Reduced liquidity Potential trading difficulties May hurt smaller investors more
Regulatory concerns Legal uncertainties Varies by jurisdiction
Long-term value Questionable sustainability Doesn't generate new value

Projects must weigh these drawbacks carefully. Transparency and clear communication are key to maintain trust and align incentives.


Effects on the crypto market

Buyback and burn strategies significantly impact the crypto market:

Impact on token price and market

  • Supply reduction: Can increase token value. When Stellar burned 55 billion XLM in 2019 (50%+ supply cut), price jumped 25% in a day.
  • Market volatility: Large burns can cause short-term spikes. Binance's quarterly BNB burns show this, though impact varies.
Burn Event Tokens Burned Value Price Impact
Binance 19th Quarterly (Apr 2022) 1,839,786.26 BNB $500M+ Slight increase
Shiba Inu (2021) 400T SHIB ~$7B Short-term surge

Changes in investor behavior

  • Increased demand: Scarcity perception can boost token attractiveness
  • FOMO effect: Fear of missing out can drive buying pressure
  • Long-term holding: Some investors hold longer, expecting future value growth

Role in token economics

  • Deflationary mechanism: Regular burns counter inflation
  • Value proposition: Projects signal confidence to token holders
  • Supply management: Allows supply adjustments based on market conditions

While influential, buyback and burn effectiveness varies. Impact depends on market conditions, project fundamentals, and investor perception. Projects must consider these factors to avoid drawbacks like reduced liquidity or regulatory issues.

Comparing buyback and burn methods

Different approaches

  1. Scheduled burns: Regular, planned token burns

    • Example: Binance's quarterly BNB burns
  2. One-time large-scale burns: Significant, one-off events

    • Example: Vitalik Buterin burning 410T+ Shiba Inu tokens in 2021
  3. Protocol-driven burns: Burning mechanisms in blockchain protocols

    • Example: Ethereum's EIP-1559 automatic fee burning
  4. Community-driven burns: Voluntary token burning by holders

    • Example: Shiba Inu's community burn portal
  5. Buyback-then-burn: Projects buy tokens before burning

    • Example: MEXC's plan to buy and burn LUNA tokens post-collapse

Effectiveness comparison

Method Pros Cons Example
Scheduled burns Predictable, builds trust Limited short-term impact Binance's BNB burns
One-time large-scale burns Immediate, significant impact Can cause volatility Buterin's SHIB burn
Protocol-driven burns Automatic, consistent Complex, affects network economics Ethereum's EIP-1559
Community-driven burns Engages holders, decentralized Relies on participation Shiba Inu's burn portal
Buyback-then-burn Directly impacts supply Costly for projects MEXC's LUNA recovery plan

Each method has trade-offs. Effectiveness depends on market conditions, project goals, and implementation. Projects must consider these factors to avoid issues like reduced liquidity or regulatory problems.

Future of buyback and burn

  1. DeFi integration: Burn mechanisms merging with DeFi protocols
  2. Transparency focus: Greater emphasis on clear, verifiable burns
  3. Community-driven burns: More projects involving token holders
  4. Cross-chain fee distribution: Exploring burns across multiple networks

Possible changes

  1. Regulatory compliance: Adapting strategies to evolving legal frameworks
  2. Automated burns: More protocol-driven burns like Ethereum's EIP-1559
  3. Flexible burn schedules: Dynamic approaches based on market conditions
  4. Enhanced tokenomics: More sophisticated burn mechanisms

Long-term market effects

  1. Supply management: Better-managed token supplies, potentially reducing volatility
  2. Investor behavior: Burns factored more into decision-making
  3. Market maturation: More stable and predictable token economics
  4. Project sustainability: Effective burns may help maintain long-term value
Aspect Current Trend Potential Future
Transparency Clear communication focus Real-time burn tracking
Community Involvement Growing community-driven burns Decentralized burn governance
Regulatory Compliance Adapting to current rules Proactive compliant mechanisms
Cross-chain Integration Limited cross-chain burns Seamless multi-chain operations
Automation Some protocol-driven burns Widespread smart contract burns

As crypto evolves, buyback and burn strategies will likely remain key for supply management and value creation. Implementation must adapt to regulatory scrutiny, market sophistication, and changing project needs.


Buyback and burn mechanisms are crucial in crypto for managing supply and potentially boosting value. Key takeaways:

  • Supply management: Projects like Binance and Stellar use burns to reduce circulating supply
  • Price impact: Burns can create scarcity, but price effects vary
  • Transparency matters: Clear communication and verifiable burns are increasingly important
  • Evolving strategies: Methods are becoming more sophisticated, with DeFi integration and community involvement

Buyback and burn is a complex tool in crypto. While effective for supply management and showing project commitment, it's not a guaranteed value booster.

Aspect Potential Benefit Potential Risk
Token Value May rise due to scarcity No guarantee of long-term growth
Project Perception Shows commitment Possible market manipulation concerns
Supply Management Controls inflation Could reduce liquidity
Regulatory Compliance N/A Increasing regulatory scrutiny

As the market matures, expect more nuanced and transparent burn approaches. Projects must balance benefits with regulatory concerns and long-term sustainability. For investors, understanding these mechanisms is key in the evolving crypto landscape.


How does buy back and burn work?

It's a two-step process:

  1. Buyback: Project buys its tokens from the open market
  2. Burn: These tokens are permanently removed from circulation


Step Action Example
1. Buyback Project buys tokens Binance uses 20% of quarterly profits for BNB
2. Burn Tokens removed Binance sends BNB to a "dead" wallet
3. Result Supply decreases Binance burned 1,335,888 BNB on Oct 18, 2021

As Coinbase explains:

"The primary purpose of a token burn is to alter the balance of supply and demand. As tokens are removed from the supply, creating more scarcity, the value of the remaining tokens should theoretically rise."

While buyback and burn impacts supply, it doesn't guarantee price changes. Market conditions and project performance still matter most for token value.

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