Automate Smart Contract Testing in CI/CD Pipelines

September 17, 2024

Smart contract testing in CI/CD pipelines is crucial for blockchain projects. Here's why it matters:

  • Smart contracts are permanent once deployed
  • Manual testing is slow and error-prone
  • Automated testing catches issues early and often

To get started with automated smart contract testing:

  1. Choose a development framework (Truffle or Hardhat)
  2. Set up a test blockchain (Ganache or Hardhat Network)
  3. Select a CI/CD platform (GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins)
  4. Write and automate your tests

Key components for effective testing:

  • Test individual functions
  • Check contract interactions
  • Verify security and edge cases
  • Run tests in parallel
  • Use security scanners
  • Track results with dashboards and alerts

Remember: In smart contracts, prevention is better than cure. Continuous testing throughout development is essential for building secure and reliable blockchain applications.

Tool Type Examples
Ethereum Frameworks Truffle, Hardhat
CI/CD Platforms Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI
Testing Libraries Chai, Mocha, OpenZeppelin Test Helpers
Development Networks Ganache, Hardhat Network
Security Scanners Mythril, Slither

What You Need to Start

To start automated smart contract testing in CI/CD pipelines, you'll need some key tools and concepts. Here's what you should know:

Required Tools

Tool Type Examples
Ethereum Frameworks Truffle, Hardhat, Brownie
CI/CD Platforms Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI
Testing Libraries Chai, Mocha, OpenZeppelin Test Helpers
Development Networks Ganache, Hyperledger Besu

Truffle and Hardhat are top picks for Ethereum development. They make testing easier and handle complex tasks well.

For CI/CD, platforms like Jenkins or GitLab CI can set up your automated pipelines. They'll run your tests whenever you push code changes.

Basic Concepts

Get familiar with these:

  • Smart Contracts: Self-executing blockchain code. They're permanent once deployed, so test thoroughly.
  • CI/CD: Automates building, testing, and deploying code.
  • Test Networks: Like Goerli, let you test without real Ether. Amazon Managed Blockchain supports many of these.

Smart contracts have unique security issues. They can fall victim to reentrancy attacks and gas limit problems. That's why testing is crucial.

"You should never have to trust a 3rd party with your keys, not even your CI/CD service." - Javier Tarazaga Gomez, Blockchain Expert

This quote nails it: security is key in blockchain development. Your CI/CD setup must handle sensitive info carefully.

Ready to start? Here's what to do:

  1. Pick a development framework (Truffle or Hardhat are solid choices)
  2. Set up a test blockchain (Ganache gives you unlimited test Ether)
  3. Choose your CI/CD platform
  4. Begin writing and automating your tests

Setting Up Your Work Environment

To test smart contracts in CI/CD pipelines, you need a solid dev setup. Here's what you need to know:

Development Framework: Truffle vs Hardhat


Feature Truffle Hardhat
Release First to market Launched in 2019
Debugger Integrated Solidity debugger Console.log feature
Network Ganache for local testing Hardhat Network
Popularity 35,952 weekly npm downloads 87,168 weekly npm downloads
TypeScript Requires configuration Native support

Hardhat's gaining ground fast. It's flexible, feature-rich, and great for TypeScript users.

Test Blockchain: Local Options

You'll need a dev network for local testing. Top picks? Ganache and Hardhat Network.

1. Ganache:

  • Download and install
  • Run in quickstart mode
  • Use unlimited test Ether

2. Hardhat Network:

  • Install: npm install --save-dev hardhat
  • New project: npx hardhat
  • Start local network: npx hardhat node

Both let you test without real Ether. Time and money saver? You bet.

Want to test against mainnet data? Try Hardhat's forking:

npx hardhat node --fork

Now you can play with deployed contracts and real-world data, right on your machine.

Creating Test Cases

Testing smart contracts is a must. Let's look at how to make good test cases for different parts of smart contracts.

Testing Individual Functions

Use Truffle or Hardhat to test specific functions. Here's a quick Hardhat example:

const { expect } = require("chai");

describe("Token contract", function() {
  it("Should give all tokens to the owner when deployed", async function() {
    const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
    const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("Token");
    const hardhatToken = await Token.deploy();
    const ownerBalance = await hardhatToken.balanceOf(owner.address);
    expect(await hardhatToken.totalSupply()).to.equal(ownerBalance);

This checks if the owner gets all tokens when the contract is deployed.

Testing Contract Interactions

To test how contracts work together, set up real-world scenarios. For a DEX, you might:

1. Deploy token contracts

2. Deploy the DEX contract

3. Test token swaps

4. Check liquidity adding and removing

Here's how you might test a token swap:

it("Should swap tokens right", async function() {
  const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
  const TokenA = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenA");
  const TokenB = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenB");
  const DEX = await ethers.getContractFactory("DEX");

  const tokenA = await TokenA.deploy();
  const tokenB = await TokenB.deploy();
  const dex = await DEX.deploy(tokenA.address, tokenB.address);

  await tokenA.approve(dex.address, 100);
  await dex.swap(tokenA.address, tokenB.address, 100);

  expect(await tokenB.balanceOf(owner.address)).to.equal(95); // 5% fee

Testing for Security and Edge Cases

Security testing is key. Check for common issues and weird cases that could cause problems.

Test these areas:

Test Type What It Does Example
Reentrancy Stops functions from being called again before they're done Test quick, repeated calls to a withdrawal function
Integer Overflow/Underflow Checks for math errors Test with very big or very small numbers
Access Control Makes sure only allowed users can do certain things Test function calls from different addresses
Gas Limits Checks that functions don't use too much gas Test loops that repeat many times

Here's a reentrancy test example:

it("Should stop reentrancy attacks", async function() {
  const [owner, attacker] = await ethers.getSigners();
  const Vault = await ethers.getContractFactory("Vault");
  const vault = await Vault.deploy();

  await vault.deposit({ value: 100 });

  const AttackContract = await ethers.getContractFactory("AttackContract");
  const attackContract = await AttackContract.connect(attacker).deploy(vault.address);

  await expect(attackContract.attack({ value: 1 }));

This test sets up a vault and an attack contract, then tries a reentrancy attack. The test passes if the attack fails.

Automating Your Tests

Let's talk about automating smart contract tests. It's crucial for catching bugs early.

Creating Test Scripts

Set up your test scripts like this:

  1. Group related tests in separate files.
  2. Use a testing framework like Hardhat or Truffle.
  3. Write clear test descriptions.

Here's a quick Hardhat test script:

const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");

describe("Token contract", function() {
  it("Should transfer tokens between accounts", async function() {
    const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("Token");
    const token = await Token.deploy();
    const [owner, addr1, addr2] = await ethers.getSigners();

    await token.transfer(addr1.address, 50);
    expect(await token.balanceOf(addr1.address)).to.equal(50);

    await token.connect(addr1).transfer(addr2.address, 50);
    expect(await token.balanceOf(addr2.address)).to.equal(50);

Using Static Analysis

Static analysis tools check your code without running it. They're great for early issue detection.

To use Slither:

  1. Install it: pip install slither-analyzer
  2. Run it: slither .
  3. Review and fix the issues it finds.

Adding Fuzz Testing

Fuzz testing throws random data at your contract to find edge cases.

To use Echidna:

  1. Define properties that should always be true.
  2. Run Echidna to test these properties.

Here's a simple Echidna property:

function echidna_balance_under_1000() public view returns (bool) {
    return balanceOf(msg.sender) <= 1000;

This checks if a user's balance is always under 1000 tokens.

Adding Tests to CI/CD Pipeline

A CI/CD pipeline for smart contract testing? It's a game-changer. Catch bugs early. Keep your contracts secure. Let's dive in.

Choosing a CI/CD Platform

Here are your top options:

Platform Pros Cons
GitHub Actions Easy GitHub integration, free for public repos Limited free minutes for private repos
CircleCI Flexible config, Docker support Steeper learning curve
Jenkins Highly customizable, open-source More setup and maintenance

Tip: Start with GitHub Actions. It plays nice with GitHub repos.

Setting Up Pipeline Steps

Let's break it down:

1. Create a workflow file

For GitHub Actions, make a .github/workflows/smart-contract-ci.yml file:

name: Smart Contract CI
on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Use Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: '14.x'
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm test

2. Add test commands

Update package.json:

"scripts": {
  "test": "hardhat test",
  "lint": "solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'"

3. Incorporate security checks

Add Slither to your pipeline:

"scripts": {
  "security": "slither ."

Add to your workflow:

- run: npm run security

4. Set up environment variables

For API keys (like Tenderly), use GitHub secrets:

- name: Run tests with Tenderly Fork
  run: npm run test:tenderly

There you have it. A solid CI/CD pipeline for your smart contracts. Happy testing!


Improving Test Speed and Efficiency

Smart contract testing can eat up time. But don't worry - we've got tricks to speed things up. Let's dive into making your tests zip through your CI/CD pipeline.

Running Tests in Parallel

Want to slash your testing time? Run tests in parallel. It's like cooking multiple dishes at once instead of one after another.

Here's a real-life example:

120 Selenium tests, each taking 2 minutes. Run them one by one? 4 hours. Run them in parallel? Just 2 minutes (with enough computing power).

To make this work:

  1. Write focused, independent tests
  2. Keep test lengths similar
  3. Choose wisely which tests to run together

Brownie users, try this:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("amount", [100, 1000, 10000])
def test_transfer(accounts, token, amount):
    token.transfer(accounts[1], amount, {'from': accounts[0]})
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[1]) == amount

This runs the test three times with different amounts. More bug-catching, less code-writing.

Managing Test Data

Good data management = consistent, reliable tests. Here's how:

  1. Use property-based testing: Let the computer do the work. In Brownie:
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st

@given(amount=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=1000000))
def test_transfer(accounts, token, amount):
    token.transfer(accounts[1], amount, {'from': accounts[0]})
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[1]) == amount

This runs multiple tests with random amounts.

  1. Try Tenderly Forks: Fast, customizable testing environment. Adjust block numbers, account balances - you name it.

Yield Finance uses Tenderly Forks to test bug fixes and team up. It's faster than traditional testnets and mimics real-world data.

  1. Optimize gas usage: Make your contracts faster and cheaper:
  • Streamline contract logic
  • Limit storage operations
  • Use pre-optimized libraries like OpenZeppelin
  • Write simple, modular functions

Security in Automated Testing

Smart contract security isn't optional. It's crucial. Why? Once deployed, smart contracts can't be changed. Bugs become permanent, potentially causing huge financial losses.

Using Security Scanners

Think of security scanners in your CI/CD pipeline as 24/7 code guards. Here's how to set them up:

  1. Choose tools (e.g., Mythril, Slither)
  2. Add to pipeline: Run automatically with each push
  3. Set alerts: Fail pipeline for critical issues

Fun fact: The Ethereum Foundation uses Slither. It caught a critical bug in the Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract before launch.

Testing Against Attacks

Don't just hope. Try to break your contracts:

  1. Simulate common attacks (reentrancy, integer overflow, denial-of-service)
  2. Use fuzz testing: Throw random inputs at your contract
  3. Do penetration testing: Try to hack your own contract

The OWASP Smart Contract Top 10 is a great testing guide. Here's a sample:

Vulnerability Description
Reentrancy Attacks Exploits functions calling externally before updating state
Integer Overflow/Underflow Arithmetic operations exceed data type limits
Access Control Issues Unauthorized users access or modify contract data

Remember: In smart contracts, an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

Tracking Test Results

Tracking smart contract test results is crucial for a smooth CI/CD pipeline. Here's how to do it right:

Creating Result Dashboards

Dashboards give you a quick overview of your test results. Here's how to set one up:

1. Pick a tool

Most CI/CD platforms have built-in dashboards. Jenkins, for example, has a "Dashboard View" plugin for displaying test results.

2. Choose your metrics

Focus on key data points like pass/fail rates, test duration, code coverage, and number of tests run.

3. Set up data collection and design your layout

Configure your pipeline to gather metrics automatically and arrange the data in a way that makes sense for your team.

Here's what a sample dashboard might look like:

Metric Today Last 7 Days Trend
Pass Rate 98% 97%
Avg. Test Duration 45s 50s
Code Coverage 85% 83%
Total Tests Run 500 3,450 -

Setting Up Alerts

Alerts keep your team informed when things go wrong. Here's how to set them up:

1. Define alert triggers

Decide what events need immediate attention. This could include test failures, drops in code coverage, or long test durations.

2. Choose notification channels

Pick platforms your team actually uses, like email, Slack, PagerDuty, or Microsoft Teams.

3. Set up the alerts

Most CI/CD tools have built-in alert features. In GitLab, for example, you'd go to your project's settings, click on "Integrations", choose your notification method, and configure the alert rules.

4. Test your alerts

Run a test pipeline with intentional failures to make sure alerts work as expected.

The goal is to catch issues early, not flood your team with notifications. Start with critical alerts and adjust as needed.

Keeping Tests Up-to-Date

Smart contracts change. Your tests should too. Here's how:

Improving Test Code

  1. Test Early

Don't wait. Test as you code. It's cheaper and faster to fix bugs early.

  1. Write It Down

Document your tests. What should happen? What actually happened? Future you will thank you.

  1. Automate

Use CI/CD. Every code change triggers tests. No excuses, no slip-ups.

  1. Check and Double-Check

Do internal audits. Hire external auditors. Do it before launch. Do it after. Keep doing it.

  1. Stay Sharp

Follow the pros. Go to events. Blockchain moves fast. Keep up.

  1. Make Contracts Flexible

Use proxy patterns. Update without messing up existing stuff.

Here's a quick look at testing types:

Type Good Bad
Manual Catches tricky issues Slow, humans make mistakes
Automated Fast, consistent Might miss weird cases
Fuzzing Finds surprise problems Can hog resources
Formal Verification Math-level proof Hard, needs experts

"Blockchain devs spend about 12 hours a week just on deploying and testing smart contracts."

Speed it up:

1. Use Tools

Try Truffle for Solidity tests. It's structured and easy to use.

2. Group Tests

Use describe() to organize. Makes tests easier to read and fix.

3. Mix It Up

Use random inputs. Catch more bugs.

4. Pick and Choose

Use Mocha's only() for specific tests. Saves time when you're building new stuff.

Fixing Common Problems

Smart contract testing in CI/CD pipelines can be tricky. Here's how to tackle common issues:

Finding Test Failures

1. Initialization Issues

Many failures happen because contracts aren't set up right. Call the initialize function after deploying:

beforeEach(async () => {
  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract");
  contract = await Contract.deploy();
  await contract.initialize();

2. Method Call Errors

If you're getting a TypeError about a method not being a function, check:

  • Method name
  • Method visibility (public?)
  • Contract instance you're calling it on

3. Debugging with Console Logs

Use console.log(error.message) to see what's going wrong.

4. Isolated Test Environments

Deploy a new contract for each test:

beforeEach(async () => {
  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract");
  contract = await Contract.deploy();

5. CI/CD Pipeline Issues

Issue Fix
Slow performance Parallelize and cache
Flaky tests Fix or quarantine unstable tests
Resource limits Optimize or upgrade CI/CD plan

6. Verification Problems

After upgrading tools like Foundry, check your deployment script for extra formatting:

// Bad
"arguments": [ "1686830400 \u001b[2;49;39m[1.686e9]\u001b[0m", ... ]

// Good
"arguments": [ "1686830400", ... ]

7. Saving Failed Simulations

With Tenderly, use the save_if_fails flag:

const simulation = await tenderly.simulate({
  save_if_fails: true

This saves data when simulations fail, making debugging easier.


Automating smart contract tests in CI/CD pipelines isn't just faster—it builds trust in your code. Here's why it's crucial:

  • Smart contracts are immutable once deployed
  • Early error detection saves time and money
  • Regular testing spots vulnerabilities before they become costly

Companies are seeing real benefits. IdeaSoft, for example, aims for nearly 100% unit test coverage using tools like Hardhat and Tenderly.

"Automated testing tools enable more efficient code checkups, helping to identify various errors, logic flaws, and unexpected behaviors in the early development stages." - Rostyslav Bortman, Head of Blockchain at IdeaSoft.

Key trends to watch:

Trend Impact
DevSecOps integration Earlier security testing
Blockchain in DevOps Better service availability
Continuous learning Keeping up with new tools and risks

The blockchain world moves fast. Today's best practices might not work tomorrow. Stay curious and be ready to adapt your testing strategies.


What is the continuous testing process?

Continuous testing (CT) is crucial in modern software development. It's about running tests throughout the entire development lifecycle. Why? To catch and fix issues early, leading to better software and faster delivery.

For smart contracts, CT is a must. Here's the deal:

  • Once deployed, smart contracts can't be changed
  • Bugs can cost you big time
  • Security is everything in blockchain

So, how does CT work for smart contracts? Like this:

Stage What's Tested
Development Unit tests, static analysis
Integration How contracts interact
Pre-deployment Security audits, fuzz testing
Post-deployment Monitoring, ongoing security checks

Blockchain expert Javier Tarazaga Gomez puts it this way:

"Continuous testing evaluates software quality across the SDLC, providing critical feedback earlier and enabling higher-quality and faster deliveries."

By making CT part of your CI/CD pipeline, you:

1. Catch bugs before they hit production

2. Make your code better over time

3. Build trust in your smart contracts

It's all about staying ahead of the game and keeping your contracts safe and sound.

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